AI Personalization, personalized to you
Go beyond demographics, segments and focus groups. Learn the behaviors, preferences and desires of every user human to deliver a custom experience – every time, at every point of interaction.
Industry-Leading AI Infrastructure
Deploy advanced AI features to your services and delight your users, just like Netflix, Google or Amazon are doing.
No Vendor Lock-in
Fly high and free! Unlike ‘black box’ personalization services, we don’t trap your data, IP and predictive methods inside our platform.
Integrated with Your Workflow
PrimedIO works seamlessly with your customer infrastructure, data feeds, interaction points and prediction models (yes, blended models too).
Reliable AI product features for all
Track user interaction across your ecosystem
Easily integrate PrimedIO into every consumer-facing aspect of your service to discover behavior and usage patterns. Track and manage every channel and device from a single platform.
Behavioral TrackingLearn
Meet the humans behind the data
Turn those clicks, views, hovers and conversions into desires, aspirations and preferences. Use any predictive models, business assumptions and architecture you deem fit: PrimedIO shapes around your imagination.
AI BlendingDelight
Provide recommendations and unique experiences
Blend your newfound interaction insights with business expertise and predict what each customer wants to see, when. Push predictions to PrimedIO via Python SDKs, or using REST, and never worry about performance, security or scalability.
Prediction DeliveryImprove
Fine-tune as you go
Define KPIs, campaigns and A/B testing* right inside the platform. Use built-in analytics tools to keep a tight eye on individual model performance and improve your users' experience in real time.
Analytics and A/B TestingWe value your time
PrimedIO is built around fellow developers and data scientists.
Work better and faster with front-end client libraries and data science pipeline integrations.
And bring your tools of choice: the platform is framework- and platform-agnostic.
Push Your Predictions
universe.targets.create(key=‘itemX‘, value={‘msg‘ : ‘hello‘})
predictions = [{‘signal_key‘: ‘iPhone‘, ‘target_key‘: ‘itemX‘, ‘score‘: 0.9}]
Build Personalized UX
const result = pio.personalise({
campaign: ‘my.recommendations‘,
signals: { device: ‘iPhone‘},
limit: 5,
}). then ( data => {
data.results[0].target.key == ‘itemX’
data.results[0].target.value == ‘hello’
campaign: ‘my.recommendations‘,
signals: { device: ‘iPhone‘},
limit: 5,
}). then ( data => {
data.results[0].target.key == ‘itemX’
data.results[0].target.value == ‘hello’
NSDictionary *dictSignals = @{@”device“: @”iPhone“};
[primed personalize:@”my.recommendations” signals:
dictSignals limit:3 success:^(NSDictionary *response) {
//Handle response
} failed : ^(NSString *message) {
//Handle response